Hydroponic vs Soil-based Agriculture - Which is More Efficient?

October 05, 2021

As the global population increases, the world is facing new challenges in providing sustainable food production. In response to this, biotechnology has introduced several innovative methods such as hydroponics and soil-based agriculture to improve productivity and efficiency. In this blog post, we will compare hydroponic and soil-based agriculture and explore their advantages and disadvantages to determine which one is more efficient.

What is Hydroponic Agriculture?

Hydroponic agriculture is a cultivation method that involves growing plants in a nutrient-rich water solution instead of soil. The plants are supported by inert substances such as rock wool, perlite, or coconut fiber, which provide mechanical support while allowing the roots to access water, oxygen, and nutrients. The hydroponic system uses various techniques such as nutrient film technique, deep water culture, and drip irrigation to deliver nutrients to the plants.

What is Soil-based Agriculture?

Soil-based agriculture is a traditional cultivation method that involves growing plants in soil. Soil-based agriculture includes various cultivation methods, from small-scale home gardens to industrial-scale plantations. Soil provides plants with physical support, water, nutrients, and oxygen.

Efficiency: Hydroponic vs Soil-based Agriculture

One of the most significant advantages of hydroponic agriculture is its efficiency in using resources such as water, nutrients, and space. Hydroponic systems can reduce water usage by up to 90% compared to soil-based agriculture. Additionally, hydroponic systems can deliver nutrients directly to the plants, reducing the amount of fertilizer required compared to soil-based agriculture. Hydroponic systems also require less space and can produce higher yields per unit area.

On the other hand, soil-based agriculture can be more efficient than hydroponic agriculture in areas where access to electricity or technology is limited. Soil-based agriculture is relatively low-tech and requires less initial investment than hydroponic systems. Soil-based agriculture can also use natural resources such as rainfall and soil nutrients, reducing the need for additional inputs.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Hydroponic and Soil-based Agriculture

Hydroponic Agriculture

Advantages of hydroponic agriculture:

  • Higher yields
  • Reduced water usage
  • Consistent crop quality and yield
  • No soil-borne diseases
  • Less use of pesticides

Disadvantages of hydroponic agriculture:

  • High initial investment
  • Need for stable electricity supply and temperature control
  • Complex nutrient management
  • Susceptibility to system failures

Soil-based Agriculture

Advantages of soil-based agriculture:

  • Lower initial investment
  • Access to natural resources
  • Less reliance on technical infrastructure
  • Soil health improvement
  • Suitable for a diversity of crops

Disadvantages of soil-based agriculture:

  • Inconsistent yields
  • Soil degradation and erosion
  • Soil-borne diseases
  • Higher water usage
  • Reliance on fertilizers and pesticides


Hydroponic agriculture is highly efficient and suitable for areas with limited resources, but it requires significant investment and technical infrastructure. Soil-based agriculture can be more accessible and suitable for small-scale gardeners, but it requires natural resources and can have lower yields. Ultimately, the choice between hydroponic and soil-based agriculture depends on the specific circumstances, including resource availability, investment capacity, and the crop's requirements.


  1. Giacomelli, G.A. (2016). Hydroponics: A Versatile System to Study Nutrient Use and Water Stress in Tomato. Horticulturae, 2(4), 18. doi: 10.3390/horticulturae2040018

  2. Mandal, U.K., Singh, N.K., & Mandal, S. (2016). Soilless agriculture - A futuristic approach for horticultural production. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 16(03), 531-548. doi: 10.4067/S0718-95162016005000041

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